Removal and disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE):
All costs associated with the transportation, disassembly, loading and unloading of the materials are entirely at the expense of the company.
Upon your request, after signing a contract, we shall purchase the discarded equipment classified as WEEE, for which we shall issue handover records with a detailed description of the purchased material. Our employees will come to your designated location to receive and dispose of unnecessary and unwanted IT assets, office equipment and any other electronic equipment.Data protection
The physical destruction of the information media is carried out in special premises on the territory of the warehouse and the workshop, which are under 24-hour video surveillance, by drilling, crushing or grinding.
Disposal and pre-treatment method of WEEE
- Collection
- Transportation of the material with accompanying handover records to the warehouse of the company, specified in the respective permits, which is an integral part of this certificate
- Disassembly of the materials referred to in item 1 into their components: metal parts, boards, cables, plastic bodies
- Hard drives are drilled with 12 mm titanium drills – 3 radial holes – for 100% secure mechanical destruction of the media. We have an established procedure for these operations
- Information media (floppy disks, CD/DVDs and tape drives) are destroyed by grinding, burning, multiple punching or crushing (compression).
- We provide a written certificate that the information has been deleted or the media has been destroyed.
- Sorting of components by type
- Packaging of components by type
- Delivery of sorted and packaged materials for final recycling to production facilities in the country and abroad.
- Utilization of delivered materials: grinding, compression, melting, granulation and production of other products.
- Percentage of materials to be recycled: 100 %
- We declare that equipment submitted for destruction shall not be sold as a whole device on the secondary market.
We hold the respective licenses and permits for the above activities:
Certificate of Registration No 6064/2016 of the Ministry of Finance – Sofia:
Decision № 08-ДО-385 of 16.03.2017 of the Ministry of Environment and Water, Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water – Pleven
Toplivo invest has:
A contemporary warehouse and a workshop for waste electrical and electronic equipment storage and recovery with 24-hour video surveillance.
Own logistics and transport base.
A team of ambitious employees who organise and coordinate waste collection and transportation activities.